Health Is Everything: A Medical Blog

Health Is Everything: A Medical Blog

Understanding Fecal Incontinence | Causes, Treatments, And Management Strategies

Fecal incontinence, also known as bowel incontinence, refers to the involuntary loss of bowel control. Unfortunately, it's more common than most people think. In fact, the National Institutes of Health report that fecal incontinence affects seven to 15 percent of adults. While it can be an embarrassing condition, it's essential to understand its causes, possible treat

6 Of The Worst Things You Could Do Regarding Colonoscopy Procedures

Colonoscopy procedures are important for staying healthy. Unfortunately, some patients do things that they shouldn't regarding colonoscopies. The following are six of the worst things you could do regarding colonoscopy procedures.  Neglecting to undergo colonoscopy procedures when your doctor says you should Listen to what your doctor says about when you need to

Signs It Is Time To See A Neurology Specialist

When it comes to taking care of your health, it's important to know when and when not to see a specialist. A neurology specialist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and conditions of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. In most cases, you will need to see your primary care physician for a referral to a neu

Done Having Children? Why You Still Need Your Gynecologist

If you're done having children, you might think you're done with the gynecologist. That's not the case. You've grown your family as far as you want, but you still need to visit the gynecologist from time to time. Read the information provided here. You'll find four reasons to keep seeing your gynecologist.  Annual Screenings If you haven't visited the gynecologis

Benefits of Seeing a Skin Pathologist After Suspecting Skin Disease

There are a ton of skin diseases that affect people today, including rashes and cancer. Fortunately, skin pathology focuses on these diseases and how they can be treated. If you're going in to see a skin pathologist because of skin changes you've recently noticed, here are several important things they can do. Perform a Biopsy Whether your skin is discolored or actual